Milla Jovovich, 46, is an American actress of Ukrainian descent, who has made a brilliant career in Hollywood. The renowned actress has recently posted a photo on Instagram, in which she poses with her 15-year-old daughter Ever.

Milla Jovovich with her daughters. Source: @millajovovich

The girl has long been called a spitting image of her legendary mother. Like Mila, she is trying her hand at modeling and acting. At 12, she made her debut on the big screen in the blockbuster Black Widow, where she played Scarlett Johansson's character Natasha Romanoff as a child. In the movie Jovovich's daughter appears with blue hair and shows her independent and uncompromising nature.

Milla Jovovich with her daughter Ever. Source: @millajovovich

Milla touchingly congratulated her daughter on her 15th birthday.

"I can’t tell you how proud your dad and I are of what a wonderful human you are. Watching you grow into such a smart, hilarious, highly intelligent and interested person has made my heart burst everyday of your life. Seeing you take on the challenges of navigating your world as a young woman is so inspiring as you forge your personality through your love of learning and creating, developing your unique perspective on life through your passion for reading and your insatiable quest to be the best person you can be. I am truly in awe of your tenacity and strength. I know how difficult it is to balance work and school, especially for someone who demands excellence from herself the way you do. I am truly stunned on a daily basis by your tireless perseverance, even when things feel so overwhelming. I love you so much Ever. I count myself so lucky to share this life with you! Xo mom," Jovovich wrote.

Milla is so beautiful in her 40s. Source: @millajovovich

Ever is the eldest daughter of the actress and her husband, the director Paul Anderson. She has two younger sisters, Dashiel and Ocean. Like many teenagers, she does taekwondo, enjoys baking croissants, playing the guitar, and traveling with her family. However, Ever has already signed a contract with fashion brand Miu Miu and has appeared in the pages of Vogue and W Magazine.

Jovovich is not afraid of posting photos without makeup. Source: @millajovovich

Source: focus

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