Tiamat Legion Medusa, 61, a former banker from Texas, got obsessed with extreme body modifications after he had a dream back in the 1980s about a snake bite that turned him into a reptile.

Source: Jam Press

After that dream, Richard Hernandez realized what his purpose in life was body modification. First he got several dozen piercings on his face, acquiring an intimidating appearance.

Legion pictured in the late 90s. Source: Jam Press

But that wasn't enough for Hernandez. He removed all the earrings and began covering his body with tattoos in the form of scales, like a real reptile.

Source: social media

Subdermal implants on his head, tattooed eyeballs, deformed nose, ear removal, and tongue splitting have completed the look.

Source: social media

At that time, Hernandez realized that he didn't want to be a man anymore and decided to undergo a serious sex reassignment surgery. He has also changed his name to Tiamat Legion Medusa.

Source: social media

"Having been to hell and back, having endured so much cruelty at the hands of humans, making myself into something from another species is my own way of dealing with the spiritual, emotional, psychological pain and anguish that continues to torment me through my life today."

Source: social media

"I believe that I am a real and true life reptoid, a half-human/half-reptilian creature," Legion, who currently works as a performing artist, said.

Source: social media

Now the former banker plans to become a genderless lizard in order to finally identify himself as a reptile.

Source: social media

Source: social media

Source: dzen

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