Rosa and Peter Beckerton, 67, are a couple from Peterborough who refurbish old furniture for a living. While working on an old sofa that needed to be upholstered, they found a startling thing.

Source: South West News Service

It was an essay written by an 11-year-old girl, dated 1969. When it was discovered in the upholstery of the old couch, the author of the text would be aged around 62, a little younger than Rosa and Peter.

In the text, the girl speculates about what the world will be like in 1980. And she had an amazingly clear view of the future! Sure, there were some naive childish ideas about how humans would start getting all their nutrients from gummies, but the basic thoughts were spookily correct.

Source: South West News Service

"In 1969 the telephone was a square box thing with a resiver [sic] on top of it," the girl writes.

She continues: "But now it is still a resiver [sic], but you can see the people you are talking to, for there is a screen where you can see the people. It is a bit like a television."

Source: South West News Service

The schoolgirl also predicted that the TV would change:

"In 1969 it was a square box with knobs in front of it. Now it is a big screen with knobs on your chair arm to switch it on and off."

Source: South West News Service

The essay has some corrections made by the teacher. The girl got a good grade for it. But if the teacher had known how right the schoolgirl really was...

Source: The Sun

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