Bran Breindler, an architect from Switzerland, has bought an abandoned cabin high up in the mountains and decided to furnish it as his new home. When the renovations were finished, nothing has changed from the outside. The humble cabin, with its sloping roof, looks as if it is ready to fall apart. However, the external impression is deceptive. Inside the owner has created a palace hidden from prying eyes.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The cabin is already 200 years old. Breindler has spent years looking for such a house to transform it into a modern high-end home.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The outside walls have been preserved, but the interior has been changed completely: inside there is a concrete capsule, which goes 9 ft deep underground.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: YouTube screenshot

The high windows face a steep slope, but they are hidden from the public eye. The house boasts a minimalist interior, which only emphasizes the authenticity of the cabin.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: YouTube screenshot

Similar cabins are scattered across Switzerland. Once upon a time, shepherds spent winters there with their flocks of sheep.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Naturally, today the purchase of such a hut costs a hefty sum of money.


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