Let's go into all the details of the process: from the choice of paint to the care of the surface afterwards.

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Choice of paint

Not every paint is suitable for a bathroom. The paint must be water-resistant and able to withstand temperature fluctuations. The host of the popular show Danny Lipford advises latex or epoxy paint.

How to prepare your bathroom for painting

1. Take away the furniture

It is worth taking out appliances and the furniture: washing machine, laundry baskets, shelves, cabinets, mirror, and curtains. The more space you have, the more comfortable you will be. There is no need to dismantle the bathroom fixtures.

2. Treat the grout lines and corners to prevent molding

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The first thing to do is to carefully inspect the grout lines. It is better to remove the old shower rims since it is one of the favorite places of mold. Treat the affected surfaces with a mold remover.

3. Clean the walls thoroughly

You can use any detergent, even soapy water. The main thing is a good scrubbing of tile and grout lines with a hard brush to remove any dirt. You cannot skip this step: the paint will not stick to a dirty surface.

4. Protect the surface

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It's worth covering everything that needs to stay clean with newspaper or plastic sheeting. Cover the floor as well, unless you plan to paint it along with the walls. Apply masking tape in places where you want even seams, such as between the tiles and the door trim.

Source: YouTube screenshot

How to paint the tile in a bathroom

1. Apply putty

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Dilute the putty and seal the cracks and chips in the tile. Fill holes from old fixtures for towels and toilet paper with putty with a regular syringe.

Pay special attention to the grout lines. Old grout sometimes looks pretty strong, but if you tap it gently, weak spots will crumble. They should also be filled to ensure the paint is applied smoothly and adheres well.

2. Sand

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The longest, most unpleasant, dusty, but absolutely necessary process. Even if the tile is matte, you must go over it with a fine sandpaper. Shiny tile will have to be sanded several times. First thoroughly sand with a coarse sandpaper, then finish with a fine one. The surface should be slightly rough to touch.

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When the job is done, rinse the walls thoroughly once again. Wipe them with degreaser.

3. Prime

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It's better to prime hard-to-reach places and seams with a brush, but the smooth tile surface with a roller. If you have chosen a bright paint color, you can add a tint of the same shade to the white primer. The result will be much better.

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Wait for the surface to dry. Prime the tile with the second layer

4. Paint

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When the primer is completely dry, you can proceed to the most interesting. The technique here is the same: first go over the grout lines and corners with a brush, and with a roller. Do not forget to wipe off the excess paint – the thinner the coat, the neater the result. Also, it's important not to change the stroke of the roller: work in equal lines from the bottom up. Allow the surface to dry completely and then paint it again – you'll be pleased with the result.

Source: YouTube screenshot


If you use quality materials, then no special care is needed. Try not to neglect the bathroom. Aggressive chemicals and abrasives will not be needed if you regularly wipe the tile from dirt with an ordinary soapy water.

Source: lifehacker.com

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