Sometimes it seems that despite all the attempts to get our home organized, it is still in chaos. To make your home much cleaner and more pleasant, get rid of these insignificant at first glance, but bad habits.

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1. Leaving papers around

Mailboxes are often cluttered with a huge amount of mail, but not all of it is really important and necessary. Some people clear out these piles at once, while others leave them all over the apartment promising themselves to throw out useless correspondence and leaflets later.


If you belong to the second group, teach yourself to put papers in one place. Or put a trash can where you usually leave advertisements, brochures, and other paper spam. You'll be sure to get rid of it on time.

2. Tucking everything in the closet

This is one of the "classic" methods of tidying up: in any situation you just tuck things into the closet. However, this habit does not help you to be organized and keep things in order, since it prevents you from finding what you need.


Try a different approach and buy convenient organizers. With this storage system, you definitely can't just toss something on a shelf – you will have to choose the right box.

3. Piling clothes on a chair

After a hard day, many of us are too lazy to put everything away in drawers. That's why we often leave our clothes on a chair.

To solve this problem, buy a laundry hamper with a lid. When guests come, you can hide dirty clothes from prying eyes, and the rest of the time, keep the hamper with the lid open and immediately put the things that need washing there. You will especially appreciate this method when you feel so tired that you can't even lift the lid. Just don't forget to put the hamper in the most convenient place for you.

If you're going to wear the clothes again, place a few hangers where you usually get dressed. When you have the item you need on hand, it's much easier to keep things in order.

4. Buying things you don't have space to store

If your kitchen, living room, bedroom or nursery is not roomy enough for all kinds of items you buy, it may be time to shop less.

The one in-one out rule comes in handy. For example, if you bought a new sweater, it means that it's time to give one of the old ones to charity. Such a useful habit will help not to clutter up your home.


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