The best thing you can imagine after buying a dilapidated house with a neglected lot is finding a hidden treasure chest in the backyard. However, in real life, of course, this is unlikely to happen. But to find a hidden pool, albeit occasionally, is still possible. At least such a case happened to John Reynolds, who worked as a nurse and bought a house for only $20,000.

Source: businessman

Why did the man buy the house?

John Reynolds, 35, bought a dilapidated house for a couple of tens of thousands of dollars, hoping to sell it after the renovation and make another $100,000. However, he did not expect to find a large pool in the backyard. After this discovery, the man no longer wants to sell the property, despite the fact that thanks to the pool its value is higher than he originally assumed.

Source: businessman

The house was built in 1955. A storekeeper lived there for a long time, and then passed away. After that the building was empty for a year and the yard was filled with junk and weeds. It was about to be torn down, but John decided to buy it.

How did John find out there was a pool in the yard?

Visiting the new place, he saw a concrete edge, but he thought it was a piece of an abandoned flower bed. In general, this part of the property bothered him the least, for he had already been concerned about fixing up the house. Nevertheless, he found it suspicious that that part of the property was always swampy, despite the prolonged rainless weather.

Source: businessman

Then, however, a storm hit, and that's when he got a call from a neighbor, from whom he learned about the pool. It took Jack 18 months and $10,000 to clean and repair the pool. However, it would have cost 16 times as much to build such a large pool. Now John enjoys swimming every day and invites his friends over to his place.

Source: businessman

Source: businessman

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