Before meeting Shani, little Nancy was a very reserved girl. The dog, although not having completed her training as a guide, has completely transformed her. In fact, the whole family benefits from the new pet.

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Shani, a 4-year-old black Labrador, was well on her way to becoming a certified guide dog. However, she was unable to complete her training because she could not stand the leash.

Fortunately, thanks to the Guide Dogs organization and its Buddy Dog program, the perfect family was found for her. It was Nancy Cawood, who was 11 years old at the time Shani came into her life. She lives in Shropshire, England, with her twin brother Peter, big sister Martha and parents Francesca and Will.

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Nancy has autism and Cohen's syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that impacts her development. She is also visually impaired due to retinal dystrophy.

She met Shani during a trial period, and they hit it off immediately. Nancy, who was rather unsociable before meeting the dog, quickly came out of her shell thanks to her new friend.

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"For Nancy, it's better than you'd expect," Francesca Cawood says. She has always been interested in animals, especially dogs, but she preferred to stay away from them. The little girl became confident enough to touch the dog and even lay on the floor beside her. "That's because Shani has built a wonderful trust with her," Nancy's momr continues.

"It's just her nature"

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Nancy, who rarely expresses herself through words, "can say 'my Shani' and 'my dog' to anyone who comes near our little family," relates her mom. "She loves to introduce her."

Source: Facebook

The presence of the Labrador also benefits Peter, Francesca's father who suffers from vascular dementia. He used to get into a state of anxiety whenever he was in a group of people, but thanks to Shani, he visits the family more and more often. She comforts him and helps him relax, even though "she's not trained to do that," says Francesca. "It's just her nature."


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