The photo of this doggie with a swollen face has already gathered hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of retweets since it appeared on social media. Meet Todd, a golden retriever puppy, who looks so strange because he was bitten by a rattlesnake. And it's not because of his owner's negligence. Todd is a true hero because he protected his owner from a venomous reptile.

Source: buzzfeed

That day Paula Godwin went on a hike with her pet in Arizona when they came across a rattlesnake. Godwin didn't notice the snake, but Todd hopped between her and the snake and got bit.

"He for sure saved me from getting bit," said Paula on her Facebook. "He's definitely my hero."

Source: paula.godwin.7

The woman brought her pet to the nearest veterinary hospital, where he was given anti-venom. The next 12 hours the doggie spent in hospital.

Source: paula.godwin.7

Fortunately, Todd was given medical assistance just in time and the vets assured Godwin that the only side-effect of the venomous bite was Todd's swollen face that would heal in a few days. Paula was so glad that her rescuer would make a full recovery that she shared Todd's pics on Facebook.

Source: paula.godwin.7

According to Godwin one cannot be too careful in an area known for snakes:

"Usually when I hear that rattle I'm backing away," she said. "I think he was just resting ... I did not see him. Just be aware. I'm so aware and so vigilant and I just didn't see him anywhere."

Source: paula.godwin.7

Source: paula.godwin.7

Todd's story quickly went viral. Many people noted that even through the swelling one can see the doggie smiling as if he wants to say "Look, how glorious I am!" This charmed some people and outraged others who tend to think that there is no place for fun in a situation where life hangs in the balance. A rattlesnake is not one to be trifled with! All in all, no one stayed indifferent and Todd became the real hero of the day.

Source: Facebook

Source: buzzfeed

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