Nessie McNubbins, a Chihuahua mix, is not like other dogs. Because of her missing legs the poor thing stayed in a shelter for almost entire life. Fortunately, one day a kind woman showed up to give this doggie a loving home.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Theresa Loyacano of Katy, Texas, had just recently lost her pet. To get over her grief, Loyacano decided to take a dog from a shelter. After an extensive search on the Internet, the woman came across a photo of a doggie named Nessie McNubbins. Loyacano was so touched by the dog’s story that she rushed to adopt Nessie the following day.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Nessie's life is indeed not an easy one since she was born without front legs. Some people tried to foster Nessie but they weren’t able to meet her special needs and sent her back to the shelter. So Nessie changed three different families, and all three families returned her. No wonder it was not an easy task to make Nessie trust humans again...

Source: YouTube screenshot

Loyacano admits that at first she had a hard time with Nessie. The woman saw that Nessie behaved as if she believed she wouldn't stay forever at Loyacano's place. So it took her a long time to trust her new owner. Sometimes Nessie was sad and unwilling to interact with her new owner. But over several months Loyacano was able to win Nessie's heart trying her best to improve the life of her new pet.

Source: YouTube screenshot

As a disabled dog, Nessie can't do a range of things that other dogs are capable of. But she has learned to get around on her two hind legs like a kangaroo.

Source: YouTube screenshot

So that Nessie could have long walks, Loyacano bought special wheeled walkers which are attached to the front of her torso. Now that the wheels replace Nessie's front legs, the happy dog can walk around to her heart's content.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Now Theresa and Nessie live happily together. Sometimes the doggie is naughty or sad, but thanks to Loyacano's love and care, the pet's spirits quickly rise and she continues to live life to the full.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Watch this cute video featuring Nessie McNubbins:

Source: travelask

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