For 50 years this elderly woman didn't receive any news from her family or husband. She had no money to live on and had to rely on her neighbors' help. Years later, the woman was able to thank them, that made her story known around the world.

When Maria married Momchilo, she was very young.

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The couple struggled to make their ends meet, so they decided to move to Australia together.

Source: YouTube screenshot

But after a while, Maria had to return to Serbia because her mother was seriously ill. She missed her husband very much and hoped to see him again soon. But their bond was gradually weakening, and she never heard from him again.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Maria was very poor and could hardly cover her basic needs. Sometimes, it was only thanks to her neighbors that she was not starving.

Source: YouTube screenshot

But Maria would not give up. She would face all the difficulties not forgetting the past. She always remembered her husband and hoped that one day he would return to her.

Source: YouTube screenshot

And when she was already 86 years old, she received an unexpected message from Australia. A lawyer who had come from far away told her that her husband Momchilo had left her as much as $670,000 in his will. She was very surprised and could not believe her luck.

Source: YouTube screenshot

But instead of just spending the money on herself, Maria decided to divide her inheritance among all those who had ever helped her in time of need.

Source: YouTube screenshot

She divided the money equally among her neighbors to thank them for their kindness and generosity.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Source: trendymen

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